Wednesday, 14 May 2014


ACTIVITY WITH Genetic engineering (vocabulary, vídeo and task (mind map)

Resource and Activity Area 4: Understanding and Describing the DNA processes

a) Explaining the simple DNA process from DNA to RNA and then onto Protein-Video

1.   Preparation: On a blank peice of paper in groups or individually get learners to draw and try to label in English the process of going from DNA to protein.  This allows the learners to explore what they know and then to also peer learn from each other.  It also provides them with the opportunity to know which gaps they need to fill either in their background knowledge or through vocabulary development.

2.   YOU TUBE Clip Molecular Visualizations of DNA by Drew Berry: Get learners to watch the clip as many times as they need, to fill in the gaps.  This can be done collectively or on their own Smart phones/Ipads.



b) Listen to the video and complete the Mind map about Genetic Engineering

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